Why agents struggle with consistency...

Aug 20, 2023

Why do agents struggle with consistency?

Consistency with sales (aka paychecks coming in), consistency with weight loss, consistency with our exercise routines, schedules...and more. What is the 'trick' to finding consistency? 

I had a HUGE breakthrough yesterday on how to find consistency that I know will help you in your business and personal growth.

I have been working hard to lose weight. I have done all the things (I'll spare you the details) but let's just say I've gone to great lengths with testing, trainers, coaches, nutritionists, schedules, and more, yet I find myself INCONSISTENT and I have been seriously wondering what is wrong with me! 

I've lost weight before, so I know it's possible. Yet this time I can't seem to get the right 'concoction' of nutrition, exercise, sleep, and supplements to get that scale moving consistently downward. 

As I had dreams of diet drugs last night that "magically" helped me lose weight, and I have been frustrated for eating "off plan" the past few days, I finally realized my problem. 

Here's the thing. You can apply the same principles to weight loss or real estate sales goals. 

The truth is, we attach ourselves to the OUTCOME, not the activity. Let me explain. 

I would do great on my diet for 2-3 weeks while the scale was moving down. I'd eat anything the nutritionist told me (the activity) even if I found it gross IF the scale moved down (the outcome I was looking for). 

And then the scale stopped moving for 2-3 weeks and because I'm attached to the OUTCOME and I'm not getting the outcome I wanted I eat the pizza, because why the heck not! Then round and round I go in the same pattern eventually so freaking frustrated that I dream of diet drugs or start surfing Facebook groups for someone who has the answers that will work because this solution clearly isn't working for me.

But, why is it not working?

I am attached to the OUTCOME, I know you can understand and see that clearly. The scale goes down I'm happy and compliant. The scale goes up or stays in place for too long and I'm an unruly teenager stomping my feet in frustration.

I could see that pattern but here is the part I was missing, and this is what you may be missing in your real estate business.

I don't love the protocol I have been on (aka the diet plan). Take all my enjoyable food away from me and sure I'll follow the plan, but ONLY IF the scale does what I expect it to. I do not love the activity of my food protocol, for me, it’s the limited foods.

We do the same thing in real estate sales. We search for the fastest way to get to our goal of a sale and a paycheck. It works well for a few sales until something in the market changes and it doesn't work anymore.

Then we look for a second job, or we scour the internet looking for lead sources that will work better or mentors to tell us what will work next. We are attached to the OUTCOME and ignore how much you enjoy your sales protocol (the activities you choose to do).

A diet protocol is your nutrition plan. Your sales protocol is our sales plan.

We must enjoy the protocol, or we won't remain consistent. Makes sense, doesn't it? We are truly unruly teenagers at heart who want to enjoy what we do.

So, how do we get off the roller coaster of inconsistency? Here are 4 ways to become more consistent. 

1. Discover what type of lead generating you love to do and why. You read about agents having success with so many different types of lead generation because they naturally thrive at the thing they have their heart in, not because one type is better than another. 

  1. Stop telling yourself you should love a type of lead generation and then call yourself a failure when you're failing. If you don't love it, don't do it!

    3. Give yourself permission to explore multiple types of lead generation and decide for yourself if you enjoy them. Be open-minded and honest with yourself that you've put forth your best effort before you strike it off the list of possibilities.

    4. Give yourself the space to take the types of lead generation you 'kind of like' and work hard to make them your own. You don't have to find success the same way I or any other agent do. Find what you love, and you will naturally excel because you'll have more energy and excitement in the day to perform at your best, attracting more and more clients. 

Listen to the podcast session of Ask A Coach where I coached volunteers and together we answered their questions.

Is door knocking or cold calling more effective?
How do I revive my business and start generating leads?


Listen on Apple Podcasts HERE
Listen on Spotify HERE
Listen on Google HERE

Wishing you all the best this week. ❤️ Coach Lisa Binggeli

Ps. To ask a coach for free on Thursday sign up here.




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